The Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter days are here.What do you do?You get out of your cobweb and look around for hand in hand just to look around the the guy playing mouth-organ around.You start talking impeccable stuffs to your 10 flock of friends with your smattering datas.Or may be you just draw a graph of economy downfall inside your mind with accurate figures and spend some pretty-shitty sum of money on your cheesy boutique scarf collections.You are one of those dwarfs who dramatically succeed in pole-vaulting,ain't you?So then what are you?You have been hauling up and circumspecting about everything till the last minute and you did not opt for that.You of course can be a needy when you got it all.So grab your coat, and get your hat,leave your worry on the doorstep,just direct your feet to the seasonal side of the streets,as you prefer.Cause everyday people are far-fetched oxymorons.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011

I woke up,in respect to those souls who contributed to my conscious breathing.It's a Thanks-Giving.To them who landed me up on this pretty earthly mess,To them who told me how to be alive,To them who whipped me hard on the fingers to learn Maths,To them who paddled the cycle 4 kms to get me to standard 1,To them who turned me to Geography-phile,To the one who won my all trophies,To them who took the day off of office and made omellette and baked cakes when i lost a competition,To them who hugged me when i fought and lost with another,To them who gave hands in partying overnight,To them who were with me in jumping the boundaries & roaming on the terrace all night,To the ones who introduced me to the world of words,To them who made me walk after the ligament fracture,To the one who taught me Coding,To the one who remonstrated my meagre knowledge and demonstrated the way out.It's true that we can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.So to the causes of liveliness,Hear Hear!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Heisenberg Certainty Principle

It's 4.47am.I am still awake,alive and was walking around.I know where do i stand and i am seeing the Sun rising.Makes me questioning,How? The stuffs around me are pretty lucid and gettable,where as stuffs inside my head are considered to be much more hazy.No they are not.Lets take a turn around and think of all the particles has the same base.So why different properties?Heisenberg said, at one particular given time,we can not possibly get the accuracy of all characteristics (Position,Momentum) of a particle.They for sure will lead to blurred values and so as faulty outcomes.So why do blokes yell sometimes 'know where you stand and know where & how you are heading to'.That'd be absolute foolishness.In that case,If we regard reality as something universally perceivable,then there would be no movement of electrons around the nucleus(momentum).If no electron movement is there,then how can we recognise the reality.Then it can be called just as a human perception,Not reality.As per this 'The rising Sun is not actually rising,Infact it is not there.It is just a simple Imagination'.
Let's have a look here.
Let's have a look here.
Heisenberg: "One cannot observe the electron orbits inside the atom. [...] but since it is reasonable to consider only those quantities in a theory that can be measured, it seemed natural to me to introduce them only as entities, as representatives of electron orbits, so to speak."
Einstein: "But you don't seriously believe that only observable quantities should be considered in a physical theory?"
"I thought this was the very idea that your Relativity Theory is based on?" Heisenberg asked in surprise.
"Perhaps I used this kind of reasoning," replied Einstein, "but it is nonsense nevertheless. [...] In reality the opposite is true: only the theory decides what can be observed."
So i am the theory.Deciding what is my scope of momentum in a limited era.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
An Eye For Nothing

Planet K-PAX,orbits around the twin stars of Agape and Satori,near the constellation Lyra.What Einstein actually said...was that nothing can accelerate to the speed of light,because its mass would become infinite. But then again Einstein said nothing about entities already traveling at the speed of light or faster,at Tachyon speeds.
Why is a soap bubble round?A soap bubble is round...because it is the most energy-efficient configuration.Similarly, on your planet,I look like you.On K-PAX,I look like a K-PAXian.
What makes me come to the planet Earth again and again is,I'd never been to a Class BA-3 planet before.A Class BA-3 planet is at early stage of evolution.Future uncertain.
If someone did do something wrong committed murder or rape how would you punish them?Let me tell you something, Mark.You humans, most of you,subscribe to this policy of "an eye for an eye,a life for a life,"which is known throughout the universe...for its stupidity.Even your Buddha and your Christ had quite a different vision,but nobody's paid much attention to them, not even the Buddhists or the Christians.You humans.
The universe will expand,then it will collapse back on itself,and then it will expand again.It will repeat this process forever.What you don't know is that when the universe expands again,everything will be as it is now.What ever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass.Every mistake you will live through...again and again, forever.So my advice to you is to get it right this time around,because this all you have.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Unaged World.

What does The birth-death cycle mean to you?
Turbulence.I meet someone,Learn their name, say a word, they're gone.Others come like waves. Rise, fall.Ripples in a wheat field, blown by the wind.
And what did primitive man make of them?
Shamans who knew it all told there were gods up there then.Shamans who knew about them told us.A great mystery.
What do you think of dying, John Oldman?
Well, we had the practical concept.You know, we stopped,Fell down, didn't get up,Started to smell bad, come apart.Injuries we could understand.If someone's insides were all over the ground.Infections...they were, uh, mysterious.Aging...the biggest mystery of all.
How do you define human race progressing with the time?
I'm a little behind the times.The same in other areas--I can't keep up with the new stuff that comes along.No one can.Not even in their specialty.So much for the myth Of the super-wise,all-knowing immortal.
How did you utilise the Ten doctorates?
Living 14,000 years didn't make me a genius.I just had time.Time.We can't see it, we can't hear it,We can't weigh it, we can't measure it in a laboratory.It's a subjective sense of becoming What we are instead of what we were a nanosecond ago,Becoming what we will be in another nanosecond.The hopis see time as a landscape,Existing before and behind us,And we move-- We move through it,Slice by slice.Clocks measure time.No, they measure themselves.The objective referent of clock is another clock.How very interesting.
Are you comfortable knowing that you have lived while everyone you knew,Everyone you knew, John,Has died?
I've regretted losing people...often.It's more of like survivor's guilt.
Do you feel a vacancy in your life about something you wish could be filled by a face, a voice, an image?
I'd move on.I had to move on.Making him history's biggest bigamist.
Where were you in 1292 a.D.?
Where were you a year ago on this date?
Who escaped the aging process as you have?
Anyway, it was the 1600s, and I met a man,And I had a hunch that he me, so I told him.He said yes,But from another time, another place.We talked for two days.It was all pretty convincing,But we couldn't be sure.We each confirmed what the other said,But how do we know if the confirmation Was genuine or an echo?I knew I was kosher,But I thought, "maybe he's playing a game on me."You know, a scholar of all we spoke about.He said he was inclined with the same reservation.Now, that's interesting.Just as we can never be sure,Even if we wanted to--I mean, if we were sure,You couldn't be sure of that.We parted, agreeing to keep in touch--Of course,we didn't And 200 years later I thought I saw him In a train station in brussels.Lost him in the crowd.
Do you believe in God?
As Laplace said,"I have no need of that hypothesis."He may be around, though.He's everywhere. We just can't see him.And about his creation..I'm not so sure it was created.Maybe it's just accumulated,fields affecting fields.What about the source of the field energies?Wouldn't that imply a prime mover?I'd wonder about the source of the prime mover,Infinite regress,but that doesn't imply anything to me.Back to the mystery.It's a very old question,But there's no answer except in religious terms.
Did you ever meet any person from our religious history?
I am one of them.Here'e the hint.Guy met the Buddha, liked what he heard,Thought about it for a while,Say 500 years, while he return To the Mediterranean,Became an etruscan.Seeped into the roman empire.He didn't like what they became--A giant killing machine.He went to the near east thinking,"Why not pass the Buddha's teachings on in a modern form."So he tried.One dissident against rome?Rome won.The rest is history.
I knew it.He's saying he was Christ.What about The crucifixion?
He blocked the pain as he had learned to do In tibet and india.He also learned to slow his body processes down to the point where they were undetectable.They thought he was dead.So his followers pulled him from the cross, placed him in a cave...his body normalized as he had trained it to...he attempted to go away undetected,But some devotees were standing watch.Tried to explain.They were ecstatic.Thus, I was resurrected,And I ascended to central europeTo get away as far as possible.
"Did you know voltaire was the first to suggest That the universe was created by a gigantic explosion?I think paul would agree.And then goethe was the first to suggest That spiral nebulae were swirling masses of stars.We now call them galaxies.It's kind of funny how often new concepts of science Find their first tentative forms of expression in the arts.So did beethoven do physics on the side?He spent most of his time lying on the floor In front of his legless piano Surrounded by orange peels and apple cores.Now we're on the floor
listening to beethoven.Full circle."
Do you have faith in the future of the race?
I've seen species come and go.Depends on their balance with the environment.We've made a mess of it.There's still time,If we use it well.Christianity has been a worldwide belief For 2,000 years.How long did the egyptians worship isis Or the sumerians ishtar?In india, sacred cows wandered freely As reincarnated souls.In a thousand years,they'll be barbecued And their souls will be in squirrels.
What about the name "Jesus"?Did you pull that out of a hat?
I called myself John.I almost always do.As tales of the resurrection spread,The name was confused with the hebrew "yochanan,".Meaning "god is gracious."My stay on earth was seen As divine proof of immortality.That led to "god is salvation"Or hebrew "yahshua,"Which in translation became my proper name,Changing to late greek, "iesous,"Then to late latin, "iesus,"And finally medieval latin, "Jesus,"And it was a wonder to watch it all happen.
Then you didn't claim to be the Son of God?
Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.I said I had a master that was greater than myself.I never said he was my father.I wanted to teach what I learned.I never claimed to be king of the jews,I never walked on water,I never raised the dead.I never spoke of divine except in the sense Of human goodness on earth.No wise men came from the east to worship at a manger.I did do a little healing With some eastern medicine I'd learned.That's it.The three wise men began as a myth About the birth of the Buddha.
End of the line. Everybody off.This was a hoax.I had the perfect audience,Anthropologist, archaeologist,Christian literalist...a psychologist.
I'm gonna go home,And I'm gonna watch star trek For a dose of sanity.
But I wanna know what's your real name?
Believe it or not, the sound was always John.
Turbulence.I meet someone,Learn their name, say a word, they're gone.Others come like waves. Rise, fall.Ripples in a wheat field, blown by the wind.
And what did primitive man make of them?
Shamans who knew it all told there were gods up there then.Shamans who knew about them told us.A great mystery.
What do you think of dying, John Oldman?
Well, we had the practical concept.You know, we stopped,Fell down, didn't get up,Started to smell bad, come apart.Injuries we could understand.If someone's insides were all over the ground.Infections...they were, uh, mysterious.Aging...the biggest mystery of all.
How do you define human race progressing with the time?
I'm a little behind the times.The same in other areas--I can't keep up with the new stuff that comes along.No one can.Not even in their specialty.So much for the myth Of the super-wise,all-knowing immortal.
Living 14,000 years didn't make me a genius.I just had time.Time.We can't see it, we can't hear it,We can't weigh it, we can't measure it in a laboratory.It's a subjective sense of becoming What we are instead of what we were a nanosecond ago,Becoming what we will be in another nanosecond.The hopis see time as a landscape,Existing before and behind us,And we move-- We move through it,Slice by slice.Clocks measure time.No, they measure themselves.The objective referent of clock is another clock.How very interesting.
Are you comfortable knowing that you have lived while everyone you knew,Everyone you knew, John,Has died?
I've regretted losing people...often.It's more of like survivor's guilt.
Do you feel a vacancy in your life about something you wish could be filled by a face, a voice, an image?
I'd move on.I had to move on.Making him history's biggest bigamist.
Where were you in 1292 a.D.?
Where were you a year ago on this date?
Who escaped the aging process as you have?
Anyway, it was the 1600s, and I met a man,And I had a hunch that he me, so I told him.He said yes,But from another time, another place.We talked for two days.It was all pretty convincing,But we couldn't be sure.We each confirmed what the other said,But how do we know if the confirmation Was genuine or an echo?I knew I was kosher,But I thought, "maybe he's playing a game on me."You know, a scholar of all we spoke about.He said he was inclined with the same reservation.Now, that's interesting.Just as we can never be sure,Even if we wanted to--I mean, if we were sure,You couldn't be sure of that.We parted, agreeing to keep in touch--Of course,we didn't And 200 years later I thought I saw him In a train station in brussels.Lost him in the crowd.
Do you believe in God?
As Laplace said,"I have no need of that hypothesis."He may be around, though.He's everywhere. We just can't see him.And about his creation..I'm not so sure it was created.Maybe it's just accumulated,fields affecting fields.What about the source of the field energies?Wouldn't that imply a prime mover?I'd wonder about the source of the prime mover,Infinite regress,but that doesn't imply anything to me.Back to the mystery.It's a very old question,But there's no answer except in religious terms.
Did you ever meet any person from our religious history?
I am one of them.Here'e the hint.Guy met the Buddha, liked what he heard,Thought about it for a while,Say 500 years, while he return To the Mediterranean,Became an etruscan.Seeped into the roman empire.He didn't like what they became--A giant killing machine.He went to the near east thinking,"Why not pass the Buddha's teachings on in a modern form."So he tried.One dissident against rome?Rome won.The rest is history.
I knew it.He's saying he was Christ.What about The crucifixion?
He blocked the pain as he had learned to do In tibet and india.He also learned to slow his body processes down to the point where they were undetectable.They thought he was dead.So his followers pulled him from the cross, placed him in a cave...his body normalized as he had trained it to...he attempted to go away undetected,But some devotees were standing watch.Tried to explain.They were ecstatic.Thus, I was resurrected,And I ascended to central europeTo get away as far as possible.
"Did you know voltaire was the first to suggest That the universe was created by a gigantic explosion?I think paul would agree.And then goethe was the first to suggest That spiral nebulae were swirling masses of stars.We now call them galaxies.It's kind of funny how often new concepts of science Find their first tentative forms of expression in the arts.So did beethoven do physics on the side?He spent most of his time lying on the floor In front of his legless piano Surrounded by orange peels and apple cores.Now we're on the floor
listening to beethoven.Full circle."
Do you have faith in the future of the race?
I've seen species come and go.Depends on their balance with the environment.We've made a mess of it.There's still time,If we use it well.Christianity has been a worldwide belief For 2,000 years.How long did the egyptians worship isis Or the sumerians ishtar?In india, sacred cows wandered freely As reincarnated souls.In a thousand years,they'll be barbecued And their souls will be in squirrels.
What about the name "Jesus"?Did you pull that out of a hat?
I called myself John.I almost always do.As tales of the resurrection spread,The name was confused with the hebrew "yochanan,".Meaning "god is gracious."My stay on earth was seen As divine proof of immortality.That led to "god is salvation"Or hebrew "yahshua,"Which in translation became my proper name,Changing to late greek, "iesous,"Then to late latin, "iesus,"And finally medieval latin, "Jesus,"And it was a wonder to watch it all happen.
Then you didn't claim to be the Son of God?
Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.I said I had a master that was greater than myself.I never said he was my father.I wanted to teach what I learned.I never claimed to be king of the jews,I never walked on water,I never raised the dead.I never spoke of divine except in the sense Of human goodness on earth.No wise men came from the east to worship at a manger.I did do a little healing With some eastern medicine I'd learned.That's it.The three wise men began as a myth About the birth of the Buddha.
End of the line. Everybody off.This was a hoax.I had the perfect audience,Anthropologist, archaeologist,Christian literalist...a psychologist.
I'm gonna go home,And I'm gonna watch star trek For a dose of sanity.
But I wanna know what's your real name?
Believe it or not, the sound was always John.
What other pun names have you used?
Courtesy:The Man From Earth
Lots.John Paley for John Paleolithic,John Savage--Got really crazy about 60 years ago.When I was teaching at harvard,I was John Thomas Partee.
John T. Partee--
The movie that rewards inquisitiveness.
Friday, October 7, 2011
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar;
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong. Now I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least once. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions. Facing the blind death stone alone, with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head.
Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, 'cause "the West is the best." And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the Great White North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild. - Alexander Supertramp May 1992
I did try a lot to scribble about the Happy-Void.The Insider inside me.And it was not like Life Is In Session.It's still into the Supertramp.What tought me like admire every single thing around me.What if I would be occupied with lots of work and running around Office Blocks? Would I see then what I see now? Like I drank the Real Grape Juice and said You're The Grape Of My Eye :)
Courtesy: Into The Wild
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar;
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong. Now I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least once. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions. Facing the blind death stone alone, with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head.
Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, 'cause "the West is the best." And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the Great White North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild. - Alexander Supertramp May 1992
I did try a lot to scribble about the Happy-Void.The Insider inside me.And it was not like Life Is In Session.It's still into the Supertramp.What tought me like admire every single thing around me.What if I would be occupied with lots of work and running around Office Blocks? Would I see then what I see now? Like I drank the Real Grape Juice and said You're The Grape Of My Eye :)
Courtesy: Into The Wild
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Finding Ndugu
"Dear Mr. Warren Schmidt,
My name is Sister Nadine Gautier,of the Order of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart.I work in a smaII viIIage near Mbeya in Tanzania.One of the children I care for,is IittIe Ndugu Umbu,the boy you sponsor.Ndugu is a very inteIIigent boy and very Ioving.He is an orphan.RecentIy, he needed medicaI attention,for an infection of the eye,but he's better now.He Ioves to eat meIon and he Ioves to paint.Ndugu and I want you to know,that he receives aII of your Letters.He hopes that you are happy in your Iife and healthy.He thinks of you every day and he wants very much your happiness.Ndugu is onIy six years oId and cannot read or write,but he has made for you a painting.He hopes that you will Iike his painting.
Sister Nadine Gautier."
May be a person dies in twenty years or may be tomorrow,it does not matter.What matters is,what difference has one's Life's made to anyone.You may be thinking your life never made an ounce move in other's,but there is always some Ndugu,who thinks it's you,cause of which he is alive.And someday either You or Ndugu will find each other.
Courtesy:About Schmidt (About Us)
My name is Sister Nadine Gautier,of the Order of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart.I work in a smaII viIIage near Mbeya in Tanzania.One of the children I care for,is IittIe Ndugu Umbu,the boy you sponsor.Ndugu is a very inteIIigent boy and very Ioving.He is an orphan.RecentIy, he needed medicaI attention,for an infection of the eye,but he's better now.He Ioves to eat meIon and he Ioves to paint.Ndugu and I want you to know,that he receives aII of your Letters.He hopes that you are happy in your Iife and healthy.He thinks of you every day and he wants very much your happiness.Ndugu is onIy six years oId and cannot read or write,but he has made for you a painting.He hopes that you will Iike his painting.
Yours sincerely
Sister Nadine Gautier."
May be a person dies in twenty years or may be tomorrow,it does not matter.What matters is,what difference has one's Life's made to anyone.You may be thinking your life never made an ounce move in other's,but there is always some Ndugu,who thinks it's you,cause of which he is alive.And someday either You or Ndugu will find each other.
Courtesy:About Schmidt (About Us)
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